Fine & Performing Arts

  • The arts introduced to our Middle School students enable personal, intellectual, social, economic, and human growth by fostering creativity and providing opportunities for expression beyond the limits of language.

    Our visual and performing arts standards align with the State Core Curriculum Standards and the National Standards for Arts Education. In addition, they correlate structurally to the three arts processes defined in the NAEP Arts Education Assessment Framework: creating, performing, and responding. When actively engaged in these processes, students not only learn about the arts, they learn through and within the arts.

    Our Middle School Curriculum focuses on the processes outlined above and include the following in alignment with the State Core Curriculum Content Standards. 

    • The Creative Process: All students will demonstrate an understanding of the elements and principles that govern the creation of works of art in dance, music, theatre and visual art.
    • History of the Arts and Culture: All students will understand the role, development and influence of the arts throughout history and across cultures.
    • Performing/Interpreting: All students will synthesize skills, media, methods and technologies that are appropriate to creating, performing, and/or presenting works of art in dance, music, theatre and visual art.
    • Aesthetic Responses & Critique Methodologies: All students will demonstrate and apply an understanding of arts philosophies, judgment and analysis to works of art in dance, music, theatre and visual art.