- St. Vincent Martyr School
- Math Club
Math Club
The SVMS Math Club provides an engaging, collaborative environment where children can practice solving math problems and strengthen their number sense. We offer opportunities to compete with local schools in math contests.
The SVMS Math Club is for 3rd to 8th grade students that want to compete or simply hone their problem solving skills (i.e. the math club is for everyone.)
Everyone who joins is expected to participate in a constructive way – helping during problem solving sessions, listening to others’ approaches and sharing ideas.The SVMS Math Club meets weekly after school from 3:00 – 4:00 PM starting in September.
For more information (e.g. our schedule and practice materials), please see our SVMS Math Club Forum or reach out to the SVMS Math Club SVMSMathClub@gmail.com.
Interested in assisting? The SVMS Math Club is new and would be glad to have your assistance. Parents, students and teachers can help with roles as coaches, managers and assistants. Materials, training and program management provided. Contact the SVMS Math Club SVMSMathClub@gmail.com or Sr. Noreen nholly@svmsnj.org for more information.