• Dear SVMS Parents,

    Every child in PreK - 8th grade is required to have an annual physical examination done by their physician. This exam certifies that the student is cleared to participate in sports at our school as well as physical education classes during the school year. In addition to these forms, please provide a copy of your child’s most recent vaccination record so any updates on their record kept on file at school can be made. This includes the CoVid-19 vaccination.

    Please note that your child will not be able to participate in any sports program at SVMS until the appropriate paperwork is submitted. If you wish your child to have any medications such as Acetaminophen/Tylenol or Motrin/Advil you will need to fill out the Mandatory Medication Form. This form will need to be filled out if your child takes regular prescription medications as well and it requires both your signature as well as your child’s physician's signature.

    Please keep in mind that if you’d like to have your child receive any medication you MUST provide the school nurse with whatever medication you wish to have stored at school (along with the aforementioned form). The medication MUST be labeled by you with the student’s name. Prescription medications should be kept in the original box with the child’s name on it. The school nurse will not be able to administer any medication to your child if you do not provide the medication.

    If your child has Food Allergies, the FARE form will need to be filled out by your child’s physician and you will need to provide the required medications prescribed for your child which should include an Epi-pen and some type of antihistamine. If your child has asthma and requires an inhaler, then the Asthma Treatment Plan must be filled out by your child’s physician and you will need to provide the school nurse with their prescribed inhaler. These forms are required by the state to be filled out annually and the epi-pens and inhalers need to be replaced annually as well.

    You will also find a link under each heading for an e-document titled “Permission To Share Information”. This form is required for each child. This is essentially a HIPPA form that was created for schools. You are giving permission to share any pertinent medical information amongst appropriate faculty/staff. Be assured that any information regarding your child will not be shared with other students or any other families at school.

    Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. 

    Thank you in advance for your prompt response to this matter.

    Best regards,
    Ellen Romain RN
    973-377-1104 Ext 211

    General Letter Regarding Forms

Immunization Requirements

  • All students must be up to date on their vaccinations. Your child will not be permitted to attend school if their vaccines are not up to date and if you do not provide a copy of each child’s updated vaccination record to the school nurse. Certain age groups and classes have particular requirements as well.

    All Pre-K students up to the age of 59 months must have a yearly seasonal influenza vaccination prior to 12/31. Otherwise, they will be excluded from school until after the flu season is over which is determined by the Board of Health (usually March 31).

    All Kindergarten students must have 2 doses of the MMR vaccine and a 4th dose of DTaP on or after the 4th birthday or any 5 doses.

    All 6th grade students must have 1 dose of Meningococcal (MenACWY) and Tdap vaccine on or after the age of 11. If in the 6th grade and under age 11, children must receive the vaccines within 2 weeks of their 11th birthday. Vaccines given at age 10 or older will be accepted for NJ school attendance.



    k12_parents.pdf (nj.gov)


    cc_preschool_requirements_parents.pdf (nj.gov)


Grades PreK - 5 Physical Exam Forms (2024- 2025)

Grades 6 - 8 Physical Exam Forms (2024 - 2025)

Supplemental Physical Exam Forms (2024 - 2025)

Asthma Forms (2024 - 2025)

Summer Safety Forms (2024 - 2025)