Information for Parents

  • SVMS is blessed with an active community of parishoners and parent volunteers who willingly lend their time and talents to the school.

    The Home School Association is comprised of a board who steers various fundraising events throughout the year. The HSA also oversees a number of committees who provide invaluable services to the school. Please visit the HSA page to learn more about volunteer opportunities.

    The St. Vincent Martyr School Education Council is a body of parents and/or parishioners which provides guidance and council to the Pastor and Principal on a wide range of educational, administrative, operational and social issues concerning the school. Please visit the Education Council for details.

    SVMS has recently begun an Alumni Association to reach out to former students near and far. Please visit the Alumni page for details.

    Important information for parents can be found here. St. Vincent Martyr offers high-quality services to enhance the health and well-being of our students. Learn more about our aftercare program, health services, cafeteria, transportation policy and uniform requirements. Certain assets, such as our Family Directory, require login.