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Technology classes are offered weekly to students in preschool (PK4) - Grade 5.

Our children are living in a time when technology has transformed the ways in which we learn and work. Our goal is to teach children how to harness technology in practical ways that will advance all aspects of their education. SVMS students in PreK4 - 5th grade engage in age-appropriate lessons to help them understand how computers work and the ways in which technology can be used to improve our lives.

Even our youngest scholars learn the principles of computing and build upon this knowledge as they advance in school. The littlest of our learners participate in lessons about computing fundamentals. They also learn through play, using specialized computer games to help them build the basic skills to operate a computer.

Older students explore block programming and computer animation, as well as a variety of simple programming languages, such HTML & JavaScript.

Where there are opportunities, computing skills are integrated with other subjects. For example, students learn to effectively research and organize information using digital tools. They also leverage some basic graphic design skills to make their papers or presentations more engaging.

The Computer Technology program is based upon the NJ Core Curriculum of Computing Standards. A summary of which can be found below.   

Summary of NJ Core Curriculum Computing Standards 

Computing Systems
Using computing devices to accomplish tasks and extend the abilities of humans

Networks & the Internet
Using networks to connect people and share information in a secure manner

Impacts of Computing
How advances in technology can positively or negatively impact society

Data & Analysis
Collecting, organizing, storing and retrieving information

Algorithms & Programming
Using a sequence of steps to accomplish a task

Engineering Design
Creating solutions to solve technological problems and improve the human condition

Interaction of Technology & Humans
How human needs and wants drive the development of new tools and how technology impacts society

Nature of Technology
Innovation, invention and adoption of new technologies

Students will

  • Understand and use technology systems

  • Select and use applications effectively and productively

  • Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products or processes

  • Create original works as a means of personal expression

  • Interact, collaborate or publish with peers by employing digital environments and media

  • Communicate information and ideas to audiences using different media and formats

  • Advocate and practice safe, legal and responsible use of information and technology

  • Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship

  • Demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning

  • Plan strategies to guide inquiry

  • Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize & ethically use information from a variety of sources

  • Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on appropriateness for task

  • Plan & manage activities to develop a solution or project

  • Collect and analyze data to identify solutions or make informed decisions

  • Understand the characteristics and scope of technology

  • Understand the core concepts of technology

  • Understand the relationships among technology and other fields of study

  • Understand the role of society in the development and use of technology

  • Learn the attributes of design

  • Apply engineering design

  • Understand the role of troubleshooting, research & development, invention & innovation and experimentation in problem solving