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The topic for the 6th Grade Religion curriculum is being members of the church. The students are encouraged to view the church as not only a building but as the People of God. They are led to see the vital part that each of them has to play in keeping the church vibrant and alive.

7th Graders study the importance of being disciples. They are provided with lessons and experiences that empower them to believe that God depends on each and every one of them to make his love known in the world. They learn about the first disciples and accept the massive responsibility of being their descendants in word and deed.

In 8th Grade the focus is on Church History. In this class the students are walked through a timeline of church events which highlight the progression of faith through the centuries. The students are helped not only to memorize facts but also to acknowledge the monumental contributions made by many individuals and groups.

They are helped to recognize their own place in church history and encouraged to be active disciples in the world so that the love and life of Jesus can continue to be a beacon of hope for all Christians. The course culminates in a final project for which the students do major research and present their work to the school.