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SVMS Overview

When more than 460 children in preschool through grade 8 cross the threshold of Saint Vincent Martyr School, they are served up many educational treats. The school's Wi-Fi network and state-of-the-art Computer Lab help bring teaching and learning into the realm of 21st Century education. All classes including pre-Kindergarten have interactive whiteboards and Smart Board technologies. Our students in Grades 4 through 8 use Chromebooks as an educational tool in their classrooms. iPads are used throughout the building to enhance lessons. These 21st-century tools empower teachers to present lessons that will prepare our students to compete successfully in a technological world.

S.T.R.E.A.M. is now school-wide and the teachers have been trained in integrating Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Arts and Math into cohesive lessons that are student-driven and whet the students' creative appetites. Future engineers are being trained at SVMS! Focus on the Common Core has encouraged changes in the way Math and English/language arts are taught. The current curriculum has been broadened beyond reading, writing and grammar to include classes in information literacy, public speaking, theatre arts and life skills. There is  more of a focus on informational texts to encourage children to learn as they read outside of the classroom. The Math curriculum includes many opportunities to encourage and promote higher-level thinking from a very early age. Spanish is taught from Pre-K 4 through 8th grade.

Our school community uses the gospel of the day as a springboard for learning how to live like Jesus. Weekly Masses and morning prayer center on providing the students with the nourishment that they need to have the courage to be like Jesus. They are provided with many opportunities during the year to reach out to the poor locally and globally. One day a year is dedicated entirely to service. The children leave in buses to serve the less fortunate and come back spiritually rich from the experience. Saint Vincent Martyr School's Student Council and Community Service Committee initiate many service opportunities during the year that teach lessons not found in any books.

Saint Vincent Martyr offers aftercare for parents who need a safe and nurturing environment for their children beyond the typical school day. There is a wide range of sports available including basketball, track and field, baseball, soccer, softball, volleyball, street hockey and ski club. Afterschool activities include Art, Business and Investing, Chess, Forensics, Irish Dancing, Sports, Lego, and Scouting. Instrumental lessons are given after school on the recorder, flute, keyboard, piano, clarinet, oboe and trumpet.

The Home School Association provides the students with experiences that augment their classroom learning. The Cultural Arts Program brings in performers from different countries that thrill the children and teach them about other cultures. 

Students attend Mass weekly and participate in daily prayer. St. Vincent Martyr is officially recognized by Cognia and was recognized as a Cognia School of Distinction in 2022. We are a Blue Ribbon School and daily we aim to provide our students with an education that keeps them at the cutting edge.